Tillandsia species list:
Note: This list is for information
purposes only & doesn't indicate availability. Please check
our current Tillandsia wholesale availability list before
placing an order. A larger image will pop up when the
thumbnail is clicked. |
Tillandsia aeranthos Size: Medium Comments: Green, purple hue

Tillandsia aeranthos Mini Purple Size: X-Small, great for small terrariums
Comments: Purple foliage with pink flowers

Tillandsia aeranthos
Bronze form Size: X-Small, great for small terrariums
Comments: Single |

Tillandsia aeranthos
Miniata Size: X-Small, great for small terrariums
Comments: Single

Tillandsia aeranthos
x bergeri Size: X-Large Comments:
Clump |

Tillandsia aeranthos
x stricta Size: Large Comments: Blue, green foliage, pink flowers |

Tillandsia aeranthos
x tenuifolia Size: Large Comments: green foliage, pink flowers |

Tillandsia albertiana
Size: Small Comments: Red flowers |

Tillandsia argentea
Size: X-Small, great for small terrariums Comments: Great for small designs |

Tillandsia bergeri
Size: Small, great for small terrariums Comments: Stiff foliage |

Tillandsia brachycaulos
v. abdita Size: Medium Comments: Soft, glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia brachycaulos
v. multiflora Size: Medium Comments: Soft foliage |

brachycaulos v. spiral Size: Large Comments: Glossy green foliage w/red center |

Tillandsia bulbosa
Size: Medium, 4-5" tall Comments: Glossy green, twisting foliage |

Tillandsia bulbosa
Belize Size: Large, 8-10" tall Comments: Glossy green, twisting foliage |

Tillandsia butzii
Size: Medium, 5-7" tall Comments: Mottled green, twisting foliage |

Tillandsia califano
Size: Medium Comments: Pink flowers, Upright foliage |

Tillandsia capitata
(Maroon) Size: X-Large Comments: red, glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia capitata
(Peach form) Size: Medium Comments: peach, glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia caput
medusae Size: Medium, 4"-5" tall
Comments: glaucous, sinuous foliage |

caput medusae purple Size: Small, 3"-4" tall
Comments: glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia concolor
Size: Medium, 3"-4" Comments: stiff foliage, blushes pink when blooming |

Tillandsia concolor
Size: X-Large, 8" Comments: stiff foliage, blushes pink when blooming |

Tillandsia crocata
'Giant' Size: Medium, Single Comments: Yellow fragrant flowers w/glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia cyanea
'Sandy' Size: Potted Comments: pink quill w/purple flowers, green foliage w/red base |

duratii Size: Medium, 5"-6" Comments: Sinusous glaucous foliage, fragrant flowers |

Eric Knoblock Size: Large Comments: Green glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia fasciculata
Size: Large 6-8"+ Comments: Green glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia festucoides
Size: Medium Comments: Soft, red/green foliage |

Tillandsia filifolia
Size: Large Comments: Green foliage with chocolate brown base |

Tillandsia flabellata
rubra Size: Large Comments: soft cascading foliage |

Tillandsia funkiana
Size: Small Comments: Brilliant red flowers |

Tillandsia harrisii
Size: Medium Comments: Glaucous foliage |

ionantha Conehead Size: Large Comments: glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia ionantha
Druid Size: Medium Comments: Wider growth habit, Yellow flowers, Limited
stock |

Tillandsia ionantha
Fuego Size: Small Comments: Brilliant red when blooming |

Tillandsia ionantha
Fuego Size: Large Comments: Red blush when blooming |

Tillandsia ionantha
Huamelula Size: X-Large Comments: 2.5" diameter, 3" high |

Tillandsia ionantha
v. ionantha Size: Medium Comments: Red glaucous foliage, red when
blooming |

ionantha mexico (single) Size: X-Small, great for small terrariums
Comments: glaucous pink foliage |

Tillandsia ionantha
(single) Size: Medium Comments: glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia ionantha
(ball) Size: Large Comments: glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia ionantha
mexico (cluster) Size: Medium Comments: glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia ionantha
Peach Size: Medium Comments: Peach when blooming, limited stock |

Tillandsia ionantha
'Ron' Size: Medium

Tillandsia ionantha
v. rubra Size: Medium
Comments: Red glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia ionantha
v. scaposa Size: Medium
Comments: Green glaucous foliage |

ionantha v. stricta Size: Medium Comments: glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia ionantha
v. vanhyningii Size: Medium Comments: Glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia juncea
Size: Medium, 9" tall Comments: Glaucous green foliage |

leonamiana Size: Large Comments: Soft glaucous foliage |

Tillandsia magnusiana
Size: Medium Comments: Soft glaucous foliage |

mallemontii Size: Clump Comments: fragrant, blue flowers |

Tillandsia montana
(purple form) Size: Medium Comments: Stiff purple foliage |

neglecta Size: X-Small, great for small terrariums
Comments: Rigid foliage, produces many offsets |

oaxacana Size: Medium Comments: soft foliage |

peru Inca Gold Size: Large Comments: fragrant yellow flowers, glaucous foliage |

plagiotrophica Size: Small Comments: Glaucous foliage |

polystachia Size: Large Comments:
Soft cascading foliage |

pruinosa Size: X-Small Comments: Many trichomes which gives it a frosty
appearance |

punctulata Size: Medium Comments:
Green foliage w/chocolate brown base |

Tillandsia seleriana
Size: Medium Comments: Bulbous base, glaucous foliage |

streptophylla Size: Medium Comments: Sinuous foliage, green/purple hue

Tillandsia stricta
Black Tip Size: Small Comments: soft, green foliage, w/black tips |

stricta Green Size: Clump, Large Comments: soft foliage |

stricta (stiff purple) Size: Medium Comments: purple foliage |

tectorum Size: Medium, 3-4" round Comments: heavy trichomes giving it a snowball effect |

tectorum caulescent Size: 2-3" tall Comments: heavy trichomes, caulescent (stem) form |

tenuifolia Size: Medium Comments: Green w/purple hue |

tenuifolia Purple Bush Size: Large Comments:
Stiff foliage |

Tillandsia tricolor
melanocrater Size: Medium, 5" Comments: Stiff green foliage, red in bright location |

(curly form) Size: Clump Comments: A curly form of 'Spanish Moss', limited
stock Price: |

usenoides (Mexican form) Size: Clump Comments: Thick |

Tillandsia xerographica
Comments: glaucous foliage, the 'King of Tillandsias',
beautiful! Size: X-Large, Price: Size: Medium, Price:
